
Sunday, July 31, 2011


I enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane as I looked at pictures for this post.  It really does seem hard to believe that 6 years ago, I became a mother.  It is different with your first, and I think that I enjoyed it more.  I had fewer stresses in my life, and my new little baby was my new best little friend.  My delivery was horrendous, and there were times that I feared for his life.  (Actually, I was more concerned that he would never come and that I'd be pregnant for the rest of my life.)  He finally did come (with the help of forceps) and thus began this adventure called motherhood.  For the first 2 1/2 years of his life, until my second was born, we did everything, just the two of us.  I did a lot of things with my first that I would never dare, or never feel up to doing with my others.  For example, I helped to lay sod in our backyard the Saturday before Chad was born on the following Tuesday.  I took him on his first road trip to my cousin's wedding 3 hours away when he was a week old, took him to girls camp for a week by myself when he was 2 weeks old (and got a flat tire on my way home), and took him on an 11 hour drive to Nebraska at 3 weeks old.  I would NEVER have even considered that with either of my other two, and yet all those trips worked out just fine. 
Chad on the day we brought him home from the hospital.  It is crazy to see how much he looks like Greyson!

 I think he is probably 2 in this picture.  He was such a little doll, and we just went everywhere together. 
 Chad reading the paper while he ate his cereal.  He still loves to read while he eats and always has to look at his cereal box while he eats breakfast. 
 He and his cousin.  They are only 3 months apart and have always had a special bond. 
 Chad's first day of preschool. It is hard to believe that Tyler is now this old.  Funny how with my first, 3 seemed like such a little boy, a baby still, and now that my second is there, he seems so grown up. 

 Look at this handsome guy!  Oh, he still warms my heart.  He really is so grown up now, and he is such a good little helper (most of the time).  He will still hold my hand, and likes to have his back scratched.  He is SO smart!  It has been an amazing 6 years. 
And finally, birthday #6, complete with a castle cake.  The only things he asked for this year were a movie, which he debated back and forth on which one probably 20 times, and a pillow from my mom. I know that stage won't last forever, but I'll enjoy it for now.  I sure love ya, Chad! 

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