
Monday, September 3, 2012


I've been having a few of those moments lately where, even if only for a few seconds, I see my children for the joy they bring and the little people they are becoming.  I treasure those moments, and I need to seek for more of them.  As a mother, I think it is all too easy to get caught up in the mundane tasks of everyday life and miss all the moments that really matter.  Moments like all three of my boys playing together, happily.  Watching my 7-year-old speak to his 2-year-old brother in a kind, motherly voice, like he has heard me doing, or reading him a story.  Chad reading, really reading, from chapter books-man, he's growing up!  Tyler talking to me all day, telling me everything that comes to his little boy mind, and Greyson telling me, "I do it, by myself.".  I came across this quote the other day that really struck me:

The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in the pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments". -Dieter F. Uchdorf

Boy, I am so guilty of waiting for my "golden ticket". Not that I'm not happy now, but I find myself constantly thinking of how much better life will be when . . .

When Dave can quit his second job and be home more
When we have finished paying off our debts
When we build our dream home
When I'm all done being pregnant, like done forever, which I'm not sure is yet
When all my kids are in school and I can get a little more done each day

The list could go on and on.  The thing is, when I constantly focus on the future or my "golden ticket", I'm missing the everyday moments.  I'm learning that life is mostly challenges and trials of faith,  with small fleeting moments of peace and joy, that if we look for them, are truly our treasure.  My children are growing up before my eyes.  I've got to treasure these moments.  Yes, some days are hard.  But, I know that for this stage of my life, home is where I need to be.  And, when we are on the Lord's errand, we are entitled to His help.  I know that as a mother, I'm on the Lords errand.

I posted that quote in my bedroom, right as I walk out of my room.  I need to frame it and place it in virtually every room in my home as a reminder.  No more "golden tickets" Telena, THIS is my NOW! 

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